Halloween Music Resources

Are you looking for Halloween resources and activities to use with your students? If so, read on! Are you looking for fun Resources that still focus on the curriculum?

Halloween is an exciting time filled with colorful costumes and decorations. It is an excellent opportunity to incorporate listening activities and themed resources into our lessons.

Kids love Halloween, so it makes sense to ensure you are stocked up with teaching resources for your music classroom!

So, read on for a list of Halloween-themed resources and activities that will excite and engage your students! 

Halloween Music LISTENING Lessons

‘Danse Macabre’
by Saint-Saens    

This is a wonderful piece for Halloween. The music tells a story without words of skeletons coming out to dance in the graveyard as the clock strikes midnight. 

Check out this YouTube video:

Check out MTR's Danse Macabre Listening worksheets, available in my TpT store. Click the image below to access the resource.


'In the Hall of the Mountain King' by Edvard Grieg

Another excellent listening piece at any time of the year but is a favorite during Halloween.

Key musical concepts and elements in this piece are:

  • Incidental/Program music: music that helps tell a story or depicts an object or person
  • Suite: a collection of individual compositions/pieces that belong to the same set or suite
  • Tone color: the use of specific instruments and playing techniques for a particular mood or atmosphere; pizzicato and arco
  • Tempo: accelerando, triple meter and duple meter
  • Structure/form: binary form and the use of repeated bass as a structural tool for compositions

Prepared listening questions sheets with an accompanying answer sheet make this piece a quick, stress-free lesson for Halloween.

Check out this YouTube video to listen to this music piece: 

'Night on Bald Mountain' by Mussorgsky

Key musical concepts and elements in this piece are:

  • Melody: lots of notes played one after the other to form a tune
  • Tempo: the speed at which a piece of music is played
  • Mood: the feeling that a piece of music creates
  • Rests: silence in a piece of music; a break or a pause


Other Halloween Music Videos

Click on the title to view the video:

Superstition – Stevie Wonder

Monster Mash

Thriller – Michael Jackson

The Addams Family Theme Song

Ghostbusters" – Ray Parker, Jr.

Check out this 'Halloween Songs and Music' blog post with more Halloween Music suggestions!

Click the image below for more Halloween-themed music resources for busy music teachers like you!


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