Three Important Questions for Your Vocal Class or Choir

This semester I have a year 10 Vocal class/choir!

I love teaching classes like this. Although I, as well as the students, are all eager to get to the singing part of the first lesson, I always begin a new vocal class/choir by asking the students these THREE important questions:

1. Why are you here? (my class is an elective class)

2. What do you hope to gain/learn?

3. What does it take to be a singer?

I write or project these questions onto a whiteboard for the students to see as they enter the classroom.

After welcoming the students to the class, I draw their attention to the questions and ask them to write down or think of 2-3 personal responses for each. (This gives me a chance to take the class roll slowly.

Taking the time to make eye contact with each student the first time I take the roll helps me remember their names!)

Let the students know that they will be asked to share their responses after you take the roll.

There is no need to ask every student to respond to every question, but make sure you ask each student at least one question!

The class discussion on these questions has always been engaging and educational!

Below is the sheet I used to project the questions.

Download a FREE copy of these pages to use with your choir/vocal class.

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